MOtion is life

Here are a few pieces of advice you should avoid:

  1. Low-fat and reduced-fat foods are healthy. This food label makes it sound healthy, but it’s not always the best choice. Foods carrying these labels are often highly processed, meaning more artificial ingredients and potentially high in sugar. Always check the labels and strive to eat more fresh, whole foods instead of processed reduced-fat ones.
  2. Skipping meals helps you lose weight. You do need to reduce calories to lose weight, but skipping meals entirely can result in tiredness and crankiness, or bingeing later on higher-calorie foods. It’s a better idea to keep satisfied with small, healthy meals and snacks spread throughout the day.
  3. You should avoid all carbs. The myth that all carbs are bad gained serious popularity with the Atkins and other low-carb fad diets, but it is just that: a myth. Healthy carbohydrates include some fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and should be part of a healthy diet. Cutting carbs completely simply isn’t sustainable, and many low-carb foods are high in fat and low in fiber.
  4. Gluten-free foods help you lose weight. Gluten-free diets should be reserved for those with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. Gluten is found in wheat and other grains, and whole-grain foods should be part of a healthy diet. Commercially packaged gluten-free foods are usually higher in carbs, calories and sugar, and lower in fiber. These foods are fine as an alternative for those with sensitivities, but should not be considered a health food or a weight loss aid.
  5. You can target trouble spots with diet and exercise. Everybody is different and it’s nearly impossible to determine where body fat will be shed from on a weight loss program. Certain exercises can help tone specific muscle groups, making them look sleeker, but diet and exercise cannot target body fat in specific areas of the body.
  6. Diet soda is a healthier drink. You know you should cut out full-sugar sodas and other high-calorie beverages, but many people switch to diet or zero-calorie sodas, thinking they are a great alternative for a diet. Even though they may be no-cal or low-cal, the artificial sweeteners found in these drinks can be even unhealthier than regular sugar, leading to obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
  7. Saunas can sweat out the fat. Many people believe that a session at the sauna can help lose weight by sweating it out. While it’s true that the number on the scale may go down after using a sauna, this is purely water weight lost through sweat. The heat does not burn off fat, and the water weight will likely bounce back shortly after the sauna session.
  8. You have to work hard at the gym to lose weight. Many people believe that in order to make any progress, they must commit to extreme workout plans or gym memberships. The truth is that these extreme plans are harder to stick to, and after a while, most people become unmotivated and stop going. A better plan for success is to work up gradually on exercises and to find any physical activity that gets the heart pumping and is enjoyable. Whether it’s a dance class or jogging with friends, if the activity is also fun, you’re more likely to stick with it.

For Information on how our clinic can help you lose weight and keep it off, call 970.674.0147

See to learn more about laser assisted fat loss.

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